How You Can See ALL of Season 4 for Easter

We wanted a way to bring you Season 4—all of it—for Easter.

Unfortunately, as Dallas recently explained, streaming isn’t an option yet, so instead here’s what we’re thinking—movie marathon!

Over 3 days, we’re showing all 8 episodes at the movies in the US and Canada:

  • Ep. 1-3 on Maundy Thursday, March 28
  • Ep. 4-6 on Good Friday, March 29
  • Ep. 7-8 on Holy Saturday, March 30

AND because we want this to be affordable for you and as many people as you can bring…

…we’ve arranged discounts.

  • All 3 movies for $30 at Cinemark
  • All 3 for $15 at Marcus Theaters
  • Half off through Fandango using the code, THECHOSENSEASON4

You read that right: 50% off through Fandango, but here’s what you need to know.

  • Because it’s such a big discount, there’s a limited number of half-off tickets. IF you can afford full price, let’s please save the discount for folks who wouldn’t otherwise be able to go. Like Andrew said in Season 3, “God wants everybody to come to the party.”
  • You can only use the discount code once. Regardless of the number of tickets you buy, it can only be applied to one transaction.

Fandango Discount Instructions:

  1. Go to or the Fandango mobile app.
  2. Select your date, theater, time, and ticket quantity.
  3. Sign in or create your free Fandango FanRewards (or enter your email address for guest checkout).
  4. Click “Promo Code,” enter the code, THECHOSENSEASON4, and click “Apply”.
  5. Complete your purchase and decide how you want to receive your tickets.

For more info…

Like always, you can check your local movie listing or visit for more details. Hope to see you and your crew there for an amazing weekend-long Easter celebration.

Fandango Terms and Conditions
Fandango Promotional Code (“Code”) is good for up to 50% off, total ticket price and associated fees and charges, towards the purchase of movie tickets to see The Chosen Season 4 at Fandango partner theaters in the US. While supplies last. Code is void if not redeemed by 3/30/24 or when The Chosen Season 4 is no longer in theaters, whichever comes first. Only valid for purchase of movie tickets made at or via the Fandango app and cannot be redeemed directly at any theater box office. If lost or stolen, cannot be replaced. No cash value, except as required by law. Void where prohibited. Not valid with any other offer. Offer valid in U.S. and D.C., excluding U.S. territories and where prohibited by law. One-time use only. Not for resale; void if sold or exchanged. If cost of movie tickets with Fandango’s associated  fees and charges included is more than maximum value of the Code, then user must pay the difference. Any price difference between movie ticket purchased and maximum value of the Code will not be refunded. Limit 1 Code per person. Fandango Loyalty Solutions, LLC is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this offer. The redemption of the Code is subject to Fandango’s Terms and Policies at

I’ve got bad news about Season 4’s release

Okay, let’s talk. I won’t sugarcoat it — I do have some unfortunate news about the Season 4 release. But I do ask for a little patience and some grace as I talk you through it, and I ask that you consider watching the whole video before you respond.

These matters are not only vital in the short term regarding Season 4, but they’re significant for the entire future of our company. And it’s very important to me that even if you’re disappointed, you at least understand what’s happening now and in the future.

Thank you in advance for your patience.

Gaius: Good Guy or Bad Guy?

Other than some of the old Roman emperors themselves—we’re looking at you, Nero—does anyone more powerfully represent the political (and painful) oppression first-century Israel faced than a Roman soldier? So, it’s quite the feat The Chosen’s pulled off in getting a good number of you to care about one of them. Because c’mon—admit it: you’re three seasons in and standing at the doorstep of Season 4, and you’re all in on learning how the story’s going to unfold for a Roman soldier named Gaius. 

We bet you didn’t see that coming when you started the series. But here we are.   

The Man Behind the Soldier

To be fair, a big part of the draw to Gaius is the man who portrays him: Kirk B.R. Woller. Woller and Dallas have worked together for something like 25 years. In fact, Woller’s played a role in almost every project Dallas has done. And you can see why. Whether it’s in his work with The Chosen or in other projects that range from Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report to the The X-Files, he’s not afraid to add quirks and personality to whoever he’s portraying. He speaks a thousand words with an upward twitch at the corner of his mouth or by merely blinking his wide-eyed eyes. And he doesn’t shy away from weaving in emotive twists and turns that catch viewers by surprise and often even moves them in ways unexpected. Simply put: Woller’s become a fan favorite. For real—you should have heard the roar from the audience when he walked out on the stage at The Chosen Insiders Convention in October.    

But back to where we started: the character of Gaius has become a fan favorite, too. And while this is due in no small part to Woller’s work, it’s also because of the work put in by the writers of The Chosen

Slaying the Stereotype—and Elevating the Human 

It would have been easy to steer right into the stereotypes many folks have cultivated concerning Roman soldiers—to write every soldier, including Gaius, as some unthinkingly loyal brute for an evil empire, always scowling in the street and itching to swing a sword. But as Woller pointed out when discussing his character at ChosenCon, “Dallas hates stereotypes.” One of the chief goals for all of the writers at The Chosen has been to paint earthy portraits of Jesus, his followers, and the countless others who surrounded him (and them)—and to do so as they remain faithful to the historical accounts that have been handed down to us. And so from the first episode of Season 1, every character a viewer encounters has layer upon layer, because every character is a man or a woman or a child with a backstory filled with experiences that have shaped them for better or for worse (and oftentimes, both). And this includes the ones who were pretty skittish about Jesus. There’s surprising depth to even a Roman soldier, because they’re a human being long before they don the armor and take hold of some title. And that depth demands to be appreciated. 

Which leads us to Gaius…

When you first meet him, he’s in full gear, standing outside of a tax collection booth with the sort of sneer that can only come from contempt for the Jews. But within a handful of scenes, he’s so suddenly protective of a Jewish tax collector named Matthew that you’d think he was Matthew’s father. And just when you’re tempted to think Gaius is nothing more than the puppet of another character, Quintus, the snide and dangerous Roman magistrate in Capernaum and Praetor of Galilee, you spot Gaius turning a bit of a (legal) blind eye to some of what is unfolding with Jesus and his disciples. And there’s more. We’re three seasons in with the guy, and we’ve caught him jovially tying sailor knots with a Jewish fisherman and doling out marriage advice that just so happens to be quite good. 

Even still, The Chosen’s writers have never forgotten that Gaius is a Roman soldier. And so there are still scenes in which he shows flashes of rage, where he isn’t above lying, where he makes things harder for Jesus and his disciples than they need to be. And, well, for those of you who have watched, you know that there’s quite the twist to his story in Season 3. 

This rollercoaster of a journey with Gaius through the first three seasons The Chosen has left many a viewer asking, “Is Gaius a good guy or a bad guy?” Which is great. Because it means the writers of The Chosen have successfully done what they set out to do: they’ve introduced you to an intricate someone who is trying to figure out what on earth to do with Jesus, with the world around him, and even what to do about what’s unfolding in his own home. 

And in answer to that question—“Is Gaius a good guy or a bad guy”—he’s a human being.


Happy (Disruptive) Thanksgiving!

We know that conversation around the table at Thanksgiving is usually reserved for whatever brings peace and goodwill, like, say, politics. But this Thanksgiving, why not stir things up a bit? Get a little disruptive. It’s not all that hard. All you have to do is talk about a choice scene from The Chosen—and in this article, we’ve given you two (a double serving) that ought to get the job done.

But one quick suggestion first: this will be most effective if you clear out the family heirloom centerpiece that was hand-crafted by your great-great-great grandma and replace it with a TV, so that you can actually play the scenes for your family. (Boom. Already disruptive.)      

Conversation Starter #1

Remember that scene in Season 1 when it becomes quite clear Andrew has not been given the spiritual gift of dancing? And Simon asks Jesus to fix it by way of a miracle? Jesus’s response? “Some things even I cannot do.” Here’s the scene, because don’t forget—that TV is gonna be smack dab in the middle of your table, so you can totally show it:

Now, you’ve got two options on where you go with this one. First of all, people do not like a joking Jesus. They want him stoic and stuffy. So, you could just show the scene, and once you’ve stifled your own laughter, say, “Man, I love how The Chosen shows Jesus telling jokes. Because you know he did. Right, guys? Right? Guys?” 

Or you could go another direction entirely. Maybe your family is totally fine with a joking Jesus, but you know they would not be fine with any jokes about his omnipotence (which is a fancy term for “all-encompassing power”). Show the scene and say, “Oh man, I love how they joke that Jesus is powerful enough to turn water into wine, but he can’t possibly help Andrew pull off the Electric Slide.” The theological debate will be so intense, you could easily slip away and steal the absolute best piece of pie before anyone else can.

Conversation Starter #2

Chances are, even if the rest of your family hasn’t watched The Chosen, they’ve probably seen a scene or two involving Mary Magdalene, which means they probably know a thing or two about her story. But you might have to prep them. Something like:

The Chosen takes seriously that little note in the Gospels that Mary had to have seven demons driven out of her. And this made them wonder if someone that wrecked by demons might have been driven to drinking. So they imagined that struggle into her story.” 

Now, that alone might be enough disruption, because we get a lot of flack for our imagination, as careful as we are with it. But the part of Mary’s story in The Chosen that really got folks worked up was when we had her backslide in Season 2. Not only did we imagine her struggling with alcohol before she encountered Jesus; we imagined her struggling with alcohol after she encountered Jesus. You should show everyone the clip below. On that TV. That’s in the middle of your Thanksgiving feast.

Folks did not like this. Because if we’re all honest, we sort of like our spiritual heroes to take a turn toward the perfect and then stay in that lane. So, give a little backstory on Mary Mags, show the clip, and then say something like, “Anyone have any thoughts on The Chosen making her a bit of a backslider?” Good times.

Anyway, you just go on and give either option above a try, and we think it’s safe to say this’ll be a Thanksgiving to remember. Because it’s gonna feel like the Fourth of July, what with all the fireworks.

It’s the Most Wonderful Tuesday of the Year

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: what’s Tuesday and teal all over?

Oh. Okay. You have heard it. Anyway. Yes. It’s Teal Tuesday. And this year’s Teal Tuesday is Tuesday, November 21, from 4pm to midnight.          

Given that you knew we were talking about Teal Tuesday from the very first sentence, you probably know what on earth it is. But let’s make sure we’re alllll on the same page: Teal Tuesday is our Black Friday. And we’re not gonna argue with you if you want to declare it better than Black Friday. It’s certainly first in line. And hey—speaking of lines—for this, there aren’t any you have to elbow your way through at 5am. Nice, eh? But it’s even nicer than that, because here’s what else you can expect:               

  • A wild, packed-with-surprises 8-hour livestream hosted by Chosen co-founder, Derral Eves, and Chosen Insiders, Chris and Jalein—and available on all our platforms: YouTube, Facebook and The Chosen app
  • A 20 percent discount on all the gifts in our gift store (and by “all” we mean ALL)
  • Pop-in visits from cast members of The Chosen
  • Did you read that last one? pop-in visits from cast members of The Chosen
  • Gift giveaways every hour on the hour—and one very big giveaway at the end 

C’mon. That’s great. And something that great is totally worthy of you grabbing your calendar right now and writing “Teal Tuesday, 4pm-midnight” in that little square marked “November 21.” And oh, man: write it in teal. How meta is that?

See you Tuesday.

Christmas with The Chosen 2023

Some things just go together. Rhythm and blues. Oreos and milk. Fall and football. Hugs and kisses. And how about The Shepherd and The Messengers? You know—the two Chosen Christmas specials? Of course they go together. But here’s the thing: they’ve actually never been together. Until now.

Call it regifting if you like, but we’ve taken these episodes from Christmas past and woven them together (wreath-like) into your Christmas present. Freshly recut and remastered, the two are now one seamless story about the birth of Jesus—Christmas with The Chosen: Holy Night. And they’re coming to a theater near you this holiday season.

Combining the best of old and new, we’ve also worked in six of your favorite musical performances from the past, leading to a first-time-ever performance by Andrea Bocelli and his son, Matteo.

Want to peel back the wrapping paper and take an early peek? Here you go:

Christmas with The Chosen: Holy Night hits theaters for a limited run December 12-17. Tickets are available now at Fathom Events.

Merry Christmas!

Behind the Quote: Come and See

“Come and see.”

This simple phrase changed everything for Nathanael in Season Two, Episode 2 of The Chosen. And those three little words packed quite a punch not only for him, but also for The Chosen viewers. Chances are, you’ve seen that phrase on this website, or maybe on a t-shirt, or even a bumper sticker. Heck, thousands of people have put it on their doorsteps as a welcome mat.

But that phrase didn’t actually originate with us. One of the best things about a historical drama like The Chosen is that we’ve got plenty of source material to pull from. Our writers and consultants scour ancient literature, especially the Bible (duh). And, while you might not see anything there about a fattened goose, this phrase comes directly from the first chapter of John’s gospel when Philip told Nathanael to “come and see.”

The Story of a Skeptic

The story behind “come and see” is, in many ways the story of a skeptic. In the biblical account, it’s awfully hard to miss that Nathanel’s skeptical. But, Nathanael isn’t a skeptic in the traditional sense. He’s actually a faithful, truthful believer. His skepticism comes from that place of truthfulness—here’s yet another guy claiming to be the Messiah. So, when our writers tackle a story like this, they tackle tough questions head on: what could possibly make this type of skeptic drop everything to “come and see”?

When we’re first introduced to Nathanael in The Chosen, he’s a Jewish architect who wants nothing more than to build a synagogue for worship, to do a great thing in God’s name. But it’s not long before that dream literally crashes around him. Everything that could go wrong goes wrong, and Nathanael ends up with nothing to his name. He stumbles out of town, collapses under a fig tree, and turns his blueprints to ash.

The Story of a Skeptic and a Disciple

Here’s the thing. When we said the story behind those three words—“come and see”—is the story of a skeptic, we were holding back just a bit. (If you’re an overachiever and you’ve read our source material in John 1:43-51, you already know this.) The story behind “come and see” is the story of a skeptic named Nathanael and a man named Philip. 

In John’s gospel, It’s clear that Nathanael seems to have been good friends with a man named Philip. And while Nathanael is stumbling to his tree steeped in skepticism, a few miles away, Philip has an encounter with Jesus. And we’re told (source material!) that in the wake of that encounter, Philip becomes a disciple of Jesus—an apprentice-like relationship in the Jewish world. Now, where does Nathanael fit into all of this? Well, remember: they’re good friends. And Nathanael decides to nudge his skeptical friend just a bit in the direction of Jesus.

And there’s those three words: “Come and See.” Lifted right from Season Two Episode 2 of The Chosen, which was lifted right from our source material of John 1:44-51. “Come and see” is Philip’s winsome (and frankly, chill) way of saying to a skeptic, “Maybe just give him a chance? Maybe just come and spend some time with him, see what he has to say and what he can do, and go from there?” And according to the story that’s been handed down to us by John, Nathanael goes.

The Story of a Skeptic Who Becomes a Disciple

All of the source material we work off of—the Bible and other ancient resources—tells us that Nathanael pushed past his skepticism and became a disciple himself. That’s why if you watch the rest of The Chosen from Season Two, Episode 2 onward, you’re going to see Nathanael always right there, always in the mix of what’s going on. And he’s there because someone said, “Come and See.” Three words rewrote Nathanael’s story, and the reality of that story captured the imagination of millions of viewers around the world.

The Teaser for Season 4 Is Here!

“It was intense. All I could think was: they keep getting better and better.” 

Our first teaser trailer for Season 4 just dropped at The Chosen Insiders Conference, and you could have cut the electricity in the room with Matthew’s spoon. (Yes, we just invented a new idiom. Also: don’t cut electricity with a spoon. Or anything, now that we think about it.) 

Dallas said Season 4 is the “most mature season yet”…yeah, it’s gonna be a gut-punch of a narrative arc. And, wow. Yep. Punched us right in the gut. Here’s what a few Chosen Insiders had to say after the teaser trailer #1 dropped:  

“I’m excited, but I’m also sad at the same time, because you know some of what’s coming.” 

“From the moment the teaser started, I teared up. You could feel the weight like never before.” 

“I can tell it’s going to be an extremely emotional and spiritual experience in Season 4. I had goosebumps from start to finish.” 

That’s something my friends will watch.” 

Now, if you’re currently knee-deep in weeping and gnashing your teeth because you weren’t at #ChosenCon, dry those eyes and stop with the weird teeth thing—because you can watch it right here and now.

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